KURAND "mume Pink" and "mume Pink Tororo

KURAND will introduce "mume Pink" and "mume Pink Tororo" as new flavors in the "mume" plum wine series. This pink-colored plum wine contains the bright red flesh of the plum "rokane". It is available in limited quantities. The "mume Pink 2 kinds drinking comparison set" and "mume 3 kinds drinking comparison set" will also be available.

mume Pink

KURAND "mume Pink" and "mume Pink Tororo

mume Pink" is a transparent plum wine "mume" made with "Nanko-ume" and "Rokane", a bright red pulp variety. This product was first released on the crowdfunding service "Makuake.

The clear pink color shines beautifully in the light, and the fresh, lush aroma of mume is said to be retained, with a subtle sweet and sour aroma and a slight berry-like sweetness. It is 500 ml in volume and contains 10% alcohol. The retail price is 3,290 yen (tax included, same below).

mume Pink Tororo

KURAND "mume Pink" and "mume Pink Tororo

mume Pink Torororo" is made from Nanko ume plum with dewy Akane pulp and is characterized by its deep pink color like strawberries. It is also a product that was pre-sold on Makuake.

The pulp is made by a unique process that removes as much fiber as possible, resulting in a smooth, thick texture. It is said to have a nectar-like texture when drunk on the rocks. It is 500 ml in volume and contains 10% alcohol. The retail price is 3,490 yen.

mume Pink 2 kinds of drink comparison set

A "mume Pink 2 Drink Comparison Set" will also be available. The set includes one bottle each of "mume Pink" and "mume Pink yamororo" and retails for 6,780 yen.

mume 3 kinds of drink comparison set

The "mume 3 types drinking comparison set" includes one bottle each of "mume," "mume Pink," and "mume Pink Tororo". The selling price is 9,770 yen.