Starbucks Frappé Custom "Rich Milk White Frappuccino

Introducing the "Thick Milk White Frappuccino," a customization you can try at Starbucks (Starbucks). This drink has a rich milkiness that is like the soft-serve ice cream you get at a dairy farm.

Rich Milk White Frappuccino

Order the Vanilla Cream Frappuccino. Just change this to Brevemilk (+55 yen)! We also recommend adding more whipped cream.

Starbucks Frappé Custom "Rich Milk White Frappuccino
Rich Milk White Frappuccino

Breve milk is a mixture of milk and cream in a 1:1 ratio. It has a rich taste, and you can enjoy a sweeter, more delicious taste.

The pure white appearance of this cup is cute. When you inhale it, you can feel the rich milkiness and sweetness, just like the soft-serve ice cream you would enjoy at a farm. It's like drinking soft serve ice cream! It is simple and delicious, and can be enjoyed by adults and children alike. And if you like, you can add chocolate sauce or caramel sauce for an extra dessert touch!

Starbucks Frappé Custom "Rich Milk White Frappuccino

Starbucks Frappé Custom "Rich Milk White Frappuccino

If you go to Starbucks, you should try the Frappe Custom "Rich Milk White Frappuccino". How about it for a quick break?