A simple recipe for "Fried yam and chikuwa with bonito flakes

Here are three recipes for yam that the En-eating editorial team has actually made and found to be delicious. The following three recipes have been tried and tested by the En Eats editorial staff: "Spicy Bell Pepper and Yams with Tuna," "Sauteed Yams and Chikuwa with Bonito," and "Yams with Mackerel and Kimchi. Click on each recipe name link to jump to the detailed recipe article page.

Green Pepper and Yams with Spicy Tuna

This is a simple recipe that is perfect for when you want to add one more dish to the table. It can be made in about 10 minutes without using fire. This is a dish that is rich in flavor, yet refreshing to enjoy. It is also a good choice when you want to have a light side dish.

Simple recipe: "Green pepper yam tuna with spicy sauce

Sauteed Japanese yam and chikuwa with bonito flakes

This is a simple recipe for stir-fried yam and chikuwa with bonito flakes. This is a dish with a sweet and sour taste and a crunchy texture. It can be topped with sliced green onions and shichimi togarashi.

A simple recipe for "Fried yam and chikuwa with bonito flakes

Kimchi-dressed Yams with Mackerel

Here is a simple recipe for " Long-boiled Mackerel with Kimchi " using canned mackerel. This is an easy dish to make without using fire or a microwave oven. Thanks to the kimchi and canned mackerel, you don't need to add any seasonings, so you won't make any mistakes. This is a quick side dish that can be eaten as soon as it is cut and dressed.

A simple recipe for "yam with mackerel kimchi