MUJI "French Potato Potato Chips Comte Cheese

I actually tried the "French Potato Potato Chips Conte Cheese" sold by MUJI. The price is 290 yen (tax included).

French Potato Potato Chips Comté Cheese

French Potato Potato Chips Comté Cheese is a potato chip with the rich taste of French potatoes. The chips are made without chemical seasonings to take advantage of the deep flavor of Comté cheese.

MUJI "French Potato Potato Chips Comte Cheese
French potatoes Potato chips Comté cheese

MUJI "French Potato Potato Chips Comte Cheese

Comte cheese is a large cheese that began to be made for long-term storage. It is characterized by its richness and fullness.

The potato chips are moderately thick and have a pleasant crispy texture. It has a strong cheese taste and a unique flavor. It has a peculiar flavor that may be liked or disliked by some, but those who like Conte cheese and those who like a strong flavored taste will surely like it!

MUJI "French Potato Potato Chips Comte Cheese

MUJI's French Potato Chips with Comté Cheese is the perfect snack for drinks. Why don't you pick some up when you see them?