"Eggplant and green onion sesame flavored" recipe! Sweet and sour sauce and fragrant
Introducing the recipe for "Eggplant and green onion with sesame flavor". A menu where you can enjoy the melty eggplant and crispy green onions in sweet and sour sauce with sesame.
Material ( For 2 people )
Eggplant 2 pieces
Leek One
Soy sauce, sugar, vinegar, sesame oil 2 tsp
White sesame Appropriate amount
Eggplant and green onion with sesame flavor

Introducing the recipe for "Eggplant and green onion with sesame flavor". A menu where you can enjoy the melty eggplant and crispy green onions in sweet and sour sauce with sesame.

Eggplant and green onion with sesame flavor

Ingredients (for 2 people)

2 eggplants 1 green onion Soy sauce, sugar, vinegar, sesame oil 2 teaspoons
Appropriate amount of white sesame

Eggplant and green onion with sesame flavor How to make

Eggplant takes the calyx and cuts it into small pieces. Slice the green onions thinly to about 5 mm.

Eggplant and green onion with sesame flavor

Put eggplant and sesame oil in a frying pan, mix briefly, and heat over medium heat.

Eggplant and green onion with sesame flavor

When the eggplants are tender, add the green onions and stir-fry. When the green onions are also tender, turn off the heat.

Eggplant and green onion with sesame flavor

Mix soy sauce, sugar and vinegar in a container, and add eggplant and green onions. When the liquid is familiar to the whole, sprinkle with white sesame seeds to complete.

Eggplant and green onion with sesame flavor

Eggplant and green onion with sesame flavor

Eggplant and green onion with sesame flavor

What is the taste of eggplant and green onion with sesame flavor?

Eggplant and green onion with sesame flavor

A menu where you can enjoy the contrast of the texture of melted eggplant and crispy green onions. When chewed, the sweet and sour taste of the soaked sauce spreads. White sesame adds aroma and richness. It's delicious even when simmered, so it's also recommended as a pre-made dish.