"Stir-fried oysters and Chinese cabbage miso" recipe! Plump oysters and crispy Chinese cabbage
Introducing the recipe for "stir-fried oysters and Chinese cabbage with miso" using oysters and Chinese cabbage. The umami of plump oysters and the refreshing sweetness of crispy Chinese cabbage match the rich miso flavor.
Material ( For 2 people )
Oyster About 15
Chinese cabbage Three
Salt and pepper a little
potato starch 2 tablespoons
Olive oil 1/2 tbsp
Miso and sake 1 tablespoon
Soy sauce / sugar 1/2 teaspoon
Stir-fried oysters and Chinese cabbage with miso

Introducing the recipe for "stir-fried oysters and Chinese cabbage with miso" using oysters and Chinese cabbage. The umami of plump oysters and the refreshing sweetness of crispy Chinese cabbage match the rich miso flavor.

Stir-fried oysters and Chinese cabbage with miso

Ingredients (for 2 people)

About 15 oysters 3 Chinese cabbage Salt and pepper A little 2 tablespoons of potato starch
1/2 tablespoon of olive oil
1 tablespoon of miso and sake
1/2 teaspoon of soy sauce and sugar

How to make stir-fried oysters and Chinese cabbage with miso

Cut Chinese cabbage into stems and leaves, cut the stems into 1 cm wide pieces, and cut the leaves into 4-5 cm squares. Mix miso, sake, soy sauce, and sugar in a container.

Stir-fried oysters and Chinese cabbage with miso

Wash the oysters with salt water and wipe off the water with a paper towel. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and sprinkle with potato starch.

Stir-fried oysters and Chinese cabbage with miso
It's easier to work with a plastic bag

Put Chinese cabbage stems and 1 tablespoon of water (not included in the amount) in a frying pan and stir-fry. When it becomes soft, add the leaves, stir fry briefly, and remove it from the frying pan.

Stir-fried oysters and Chinese cabbage with miso

Stir-fried oysters and Chinese cabbage with miso

Heat olive oil in a frying pan over medium heat, line up the shavings and bake.

Stir-fried oysters and Chinese cabbage with miso

When both sides are lightly browned, add the mixed seasoning and fry.

Stir-fried oysters and Chinese cabbage with miso

When the seasoning is familiar to the kaki, add Chinese cabbage and add the whole to complete.

Stir-fried oysters and Chinese cabbage with miso

What is the taste of stir-fried oysters and Chinese cabbage?

Stir-fried oysters and Chinese cabbage with miso

The umami of plump oysters and the refreshing sweetness of crispy Chinese cabbage match the rich miso flavor. By combining the seasoning and oysters first, and then adding Chinese cabbage, the taste will be more mellow. It is also a point to separate the heating time of the Chinese cabbage shaft and the leaves to make it crispy and refreshing.