7-ELEVEN "Broccoli and King Trumpet with Sesame"

I tried 7-ELEVEN's side dish "Broccoli and King Trumpet with Sesame". You can enjoy vegetables and mushrooms with a crunchy texture and scent of dried bonito. Calories 96kcal, protein 5.0g (0oz), fat 6.0g (0oz), sugar 2.0g (0oz), dietary fiber 7.1g (0.04oz), salt equivalent 1.2g (0.07oz). The selling price is 246.24 yen (tax included, displayed to the second decimal place).

7-ELEVEN Broccoli and King Trumpet with Sesame

7-ELEVEN "Broccoli and King Trumpet with Sesame"

Sesame seeds with eringi, broccoli, cabbage and carrots. It is said that roasted sesame seeds, ground sesame seeds, and kneaded sesame seeds are used to create a delicious finish.

7-ELEVEN "Broccoli and King Trumpet with Sesame"

The volume is for 2 to 3 people if you put it in a small bowl, and it is a main dish if you put it on a platter. Broccoli is crispy, cabbage is crispy, and carrots are also moderately chewy, and you can enjoy a variety of textures with elastic eringi.

7-ELEVEN "Broccoli and King Trumpet with Sesame"

In addition to the rich flavor that is a combination of multiple types of sesame, the aroma of powdered dried bonito is rich and can be enjoyed as a side dish for rice or as a side dish for sake. It is an impression that you can enjoy refreshing barley tea and oolong tea.