"New potato fries" recipe

Enjoy the hot potatoes! Here are three potato recipes that the En-eating editorial department actually made and found to be delicious. "New potato fries" "New potato hashed potatoes" "French fries style of Koya tofu". * Click each recipe name link to jump to the detailed recipe article.

New potato hashed potatoes

Introducing a simple recipe for " new potato hashed potatoes " that uses Hokuhoku's new potatoes with their skins. Deliciousness for both children and adults! If you want to enjoy a more crunchy feeling, make the dough thinner, and if you want to taste the fluffy feeling of potatoes, make the dough a little thicker.

Simple recipe for "new potato hashed potatoes"

New potato french fries

A recipe for " new potato fries " made by frying "new potatoes" that are sold in the spring. The moist and chewy texture unique to new potatoes is fried to add a crispy aroma and richness. You can fully enjoy the rich flavor that spreads with your mouth because it is simple. It is also recommended to shake consomme or green laver on the way to change the taste!

"New potato fries" recipe

Fried potato style of Koya tofu

If you want to eat potatoes but you're on a diet, we recommend the " French fries style of Koya tofu " recipe! Since the potatoes are replaced with Koya tofu, the sugar is off, but the texture is crispy and the taste is like potatoes!

"French fries style of Koya tofu" recipe