"Simmered radish and minced meat" recipe! Just boil the chopped radish and meat
An irresistible dish with a melting texture and juicy umami. If you eat it with thick minced bean paste, it will warm you up from the core of your body!
Material ( For 2 people )
Japanese white radish 7-8 cm
Minced meat 100g (3.53oz)
Grated ginger 1 tsp
soy sauce 1 tablespoon
sweet sake 1 tablespoon
Liquor 1 tablespoon
sugar 1 tsp
Granule dashi stock 1 tsp
water 1 cup (200cc)
potato starch A little less than 1 tbsp
Water (for dissolving potato starch) A little less than 1 tbsp
"Simmered radish and minced meat" recipe

Introducing the recipe for "simmered radish and minced meat". Simply boil the chopped radish and minced meat in a pot with seasonings. If you eat it with thick minced bean paste, it will warm you up from the core of your body!

Boiled radish and minced meat


Click here for what to prepare.

Radish 7-8 cm Minced meat 100 g
1 teaspoon grated ginger
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 tablespoon mirin
1 tablespoon liquor
1 teaspoon sugar
Granule dashi stock 1 teaspoon
1 cup of water (200cc)
1 tablespoon of potato starch (for dissolving potato starch) 1 tablespoon of water

Minced meat can be minced, pork or chicken to your liking. It's okay to use minced meat that is left in the refrigerator.

How to make

Peel the radish and cut it into a shape and size that is easy to eat. Whether it's a random cut or a thick ginkgo biloba.

"Simmered radish and minced meat" recipe

Put soy sauce, mirin, sake, sugar, granule dashi stock, and 1 cup of water in a pan.

"Simmered radish and minced meat" recipe

Put radish, minced meat, and grated ginger in a pan, cover with a drop lid (aluminum foil is OK), and heat over medium to low heat. If you get lye on the way, simmer for 15 to 20 minutes while removing it.

"Simmered radish and minced meat" recipe

"Simmered radish and minced meat" recipe

When it is boiled a little, add the potato starch dissolved in water and mix it roughly to thicken it.

"Simmered radish and minced meat" recipe

"Simmered radish and minced meat" recipe

"Simmered radish and minced meat" recipe

When the radish is well flavored, it's done! If you turn off the heat and leave it for a while, the taste will be more absorbed.

"Simmered radish and minced meat" recipe

What is the simmered radish and minced meat?

The clear radish is entwined with a generous amount of minced bean paste and cheeked, and the fresh sweetness and umami of the meat spreads throughout your mouth. It's hot, soft, juicy and delicious!

"Simmered radish and minced meat" recipe

The ginger tightens the taste and the main is radish, so it's not too thick and has a moderate volume. It is delicious enough to be eaten as much as you want. Please try it as a side dish on a cold day!