Taro Mochi" recipe

We introduce a collection of recipes using moist and fluffy taro! There are five recipes: Taro Potato Salad, Creamy Taro Croquettes, Taro Oyaki, Taro Nori Salt Butter, and Taro Mochi.

Taro Potato


Taro Potato Salad" recipe

This potato salad is made with taro instead of potatoes. Simply boil and mash the taro smoothly, then dress it with ham, mayonnaise, salt and pepper. The crunchy and sticky texture is addictive. Potato salad made with taro is also very addictive!

]For a detailed recipe, see " Taro Potato Salad " at

Creamy Taro Croquettes

Creamy Taro Croquettes" recipe

Croquettes made from taro with fragrant mushrooms. The creamy texture melts smoothly with the accent of the crunchy mushrooms, and the umami and aroma of the seasonal ingredients are irresistible! If you microwave the taro with the skin on, peeling the skin is a breeze.

]]For more detailed recipe, see " Creamy Taro Croquettes " at

Taro Oyaki

Taro Oyaki Recipe

Simply microwave and mash the peeled taro, add green onions and sakura shrimps, and pan fry. Add soy sauce and mirin (sweet sake) to the pan and you have a delicious taro oyaki. The smooth texture and sweet and salty sauce enhances the taro's deliciousness! Recommended as a side dish or snack.

]For more detailed recipe, see " Taro Oyaki " at

Taro Nori Salt Butter

Taro Nori Salted Butter Recipe

Peeled taro is cut into bite-sized pieces and mixed with aonori (green laver), salt, and butter. The savory flavor of the green laver, umami of the butter, and just the right amount of saltiness create a slightly junky taste that is addictive! It is also great as a snack with beer.

]]For more detailed recipe, see " Taro Nori Salt Butter "

Taro Mochi

Taro Mochi" recipe

Mash taro peeled in a microwave oven and add potato starch to make a dough. The dough is then rolled out and baked in a frying pan until golden brown! The fluffy, chewy texture and the savory, sweet and sour mitarashi sauce are a delicious combination! It has a firm texture like a rice cake and is very satisfying to eat.

]]For more detailed recipe, click here " Taro Mochi ".