"Salmon and spinach boiled in soy milk" recipe! Deep and mellow with miso and soy milk
Introducing the recipe for "salmon and spinach boiled in soy milk" using salmon and spinach. Add mellowness with soy milk to the Japanese flavor base with the richness of miso and soy sauce.
Material ( For 2 people )
Raw salmon 2 slices
salt a little
spinach 1/2
ginger A piece
Water / soy milk 1/2 cup
Liquor 2 tablespoons
Soy sauce and mirin 1 tablespoon
miso 1 tsp
Boiled salmon and spinach in soy milk

Introducing the recipe for "salmon and spinach boiled in soy milk" using salmon and spinach. Add mellowness with soy milk to the Japanese flavor base with the richness of miso and soy sauce.

Boiled salmon and spinach in soy milk

Ingredients (for 2 people)

2 slices of raw salmon, a little salt, 1/2 ginger, 1 kake of water, 1/2 cup of soy milk, 2 tablespoons of sake
1 tablespoon of soy sauce and mirin
1 teaspoon miso

How to make salmon and spinach in soy milk

Wipe the salmon with a paper towel, sprinkle with salt and leave it for about 10 minutes.

Boiled salmon and spinach in soy milk

Wipe off the water again and cut into 3 equal parts.

Boiled salmon and spinach in soy milk

Boil spinach in a pot of plenty of water for 1-2 minutes and remove the lye. Raise it in a colander, cool it with cold water, and squeeze the water. Cut the ginger into julienne.

Boiled salmon and spinach in soy milk

Boiled salmon and spinach in soy milk

Put sake, soy sauce, mirin, miso, and water in a frying pan, boil, add salmon and ginger, cover with oven paper, and simmer for about 5 minutes.

Boiled salmon and spinach in soy milk

Boiled salmon and spinach in soy milk

Remove the lid, turn the salmon over, and add the soy milk. Boil for about 2 minutes on low medium heat so as not to boil, add spinach and boil quickly to complete.

Boiled salmon and spinach in soy milk

What is the taste of salmon and spinach boiled in soy milk?

Boiled salmon and spinach in soy milk

Soy milk adds mellowness to the Japanese flavor base with the richness of miso and soy sauce. With a clean finish that is not too dull, the taste of salmon is enhanced. The spinach is soaked in broth, and every time you chew it, the umami is juicy. It is a simple stew that is perfect for winter and warms the body with ginger.