Easy to cook in the microwave "Spicy green onions and bean sprouts" snack recipe!
When you want one more item, a simple recipe of "spicy green onions and bean sprouts" that you can make quickly in the microwave. It's great not only as a side dish for rice, but also as a snack for sake.
Material ( For 2 people )
Japanese leek Two
Bean sprouts 1 bag
Chicken glass soup base 2 tsp
Doubanjiang 1 tsp
Sesame oil 1 tsp
Spicy green onions and bean sprouts

If you want one more item, here is a simple recipe for "spicy green onions and bean sprouts" that you can make quickly in the microwave. It's great not only as a side dish for rice, but also as a snack for sake.

Spicy green onions and bean sprouts


2 green onions, 1 bean sprout, 2 teaspoons of chicken glass soup
Doubanjiang 1 teaspoon
1 teaspoon of sesame oil

How to make

1. Cut the green onions diagonally with a width of 0.5 cm. Wash the bean sprouts.

Diagonally cut long onion

2. Put bean sprouts and green onions in a large heat-resistant container and heat in a microwave oven at 500W for 4 minutes.

Long onion in a heat-resistant container

3. Thoroughly drain the water generated by heating (be careful not to get burned). Add chicken glass soup stock, doubanjiang, and sesame oil and mix to complete.

Spicy green onions and bean sprouts

What is the spicy taste of green onions and bean sprouts?

The taste of chicken glass soup and the richness of doubanjiang are a perfect match. The green onions are heated to bring out the sweetness, so the taste is moderately sweet and spicy. The crispy and crispy bean sprouts are in charge of texture and volume increase. The scent of sesame oil is also effective, and the scent invites you to the next bite again.

Spicy green onions and bean sprouts

If you don't want to use a kitchen knife and a cutting board, you can cut the green onions with a kitchen knife. It is a product that can be made easily and speedily.