Washoku SATO "Tendon"

A campaign will be held in which the selling price of "Tendon" will be reduced to half at To go only. Limited time offer from November 17th to 30th.

Washoku SATO Tendon half price campaign

Washoku SATO "Tendon"

Japanese-style Sato Tendon has two shrimp tempura and seasonal fish such as vegetables and horse mackerel, and is one of the most popular To go menus. Tempura garment with rice flour is used, and it has a light texture and is characterized by being able to enjoy it until the end. The regular price is 646 yen (tax included, the same applies below), but this time it will be available for purchase at 322 yen.

From November, Japanese food Sato has been offering 5 types of menus that use abundant roast beef for To go only under the title of " Sato's Roast Beef Festival ", but it is announced that the Tendon Half Price Campaign will be held in parallel with this. increase.

Since various To go menus are cooked after receiving an order, it may take some time to complete. In addition, some stores may have different contents, containers, unsold items, and may be sold out. In addition, the campaign may be suspended or changed without notice.