"Sapporo Chuhai 99.99 Clear Vodka Tonic" from Sapporo Breweries

"Sapporo Chuhai 99.99 Clear Vodka Tonic" will be released from Sapporo Breweries on November 9th. Alcohol content is 9%. The price is 141 yen for 350 ml and 191 yen for 500 ml (both excluding tax).

Sapporo Chuhai 99.99 Clear Vodka Tonic

High-purity vodka with a purity of 99.99% (purity of vodka with an organic content other than ethanol of less than 0.01%) polished by two-step birch filtration based on the concept of "high-quality chu-hi in pursuit of ideal" ease of drinking "" Chu-Hi is characterized by a satisfying taste using 99.99% (specified as Sapporo Beer), a slight acidity and bitterness of vodka tonic, and a crisp aftertaste that does not feel any unpleasant taste. The vodka-based cocktail "Vodka Tonic" is finished with a sharp taste. It's easy to drink, so it looks good as a meal.

The can body is based on silver, with ice in the center to express the coldness. The star mark is decorated with a dark blue gradation to express adultness.