"Pumpkin and minced meat hamburger" recipe

Here are three "hamburger recipes" that the En-eating editorial department actually made and were delicious. "Tofu hamburger" and "pumpkin and minced meat hamburger". * Click each recipe name link to jump to the detailed article page

Tofu hamburger

Add tofu to increase the volume and texture. Here is a recipe for " tofu hamburger " that was delicious when the En-eating editorial department actually made it. Arrange the usual hamburger steak.

"Tofu hamburger" recipe

Pumpkin and minced meat hamburger

Introducing the " Pumpkin and minced meat hamburger " recipe. Hokuhoku sweet and voluminous! It's delicious, so it's also recommended as a side dish for lunch boxes. The moist and fluffy mouthfeel, the deep sweetness of pumpkin and the umami of minced meat exude and spread as you chew, and it's delicious!

"Pumpkin and minced meat hamburger" recipe

Eggplant burg

Introducing a simple recipe for " eggplant burger", which is a bit different from the usual hamburger steak. The thick and tender eggplant and juicy meat go great together. If you get tired of the usual hamburger steak, please try it!

Simple recipe for "eggplant burger"