Freshness Burger "Mushroom Cheeseburger" "Mushroom Cheeseburger Jr."

"Mushroom Cheeseburger" and "Mushroom Cheeseburger Jr." will be on sale at Freshness Burger. Autumn burger topped with mushrooms and finished with porcini sauce.

Mushroom cheeseburger

The topping "domestic mushrooms" are cut to 1/4 size to make the most of the original taste and aroma of the ingredients. You can enjoy a chewy texture that you can't taste with slices.

The sauce is a mellow scented porcini sauce using "porcini", which is called the world's three largest, along with "truffle" and "matsutake mushroom". A combination of red cheddar cheese, which is thickly sliced to give you a solid taste of the richness of cheese, and juicy quarter pound patties (about 113g (3.99oz)) full of gravy. The buns are sesame buns with a fragrant sesame scent. The price is 780 yen (tax included). Sold from September 29th.

Freshness Burger "Mushroom Cheeseburger" "Mushroom Cheeseburger Jr."

Mushroom cheeseburger Jr.

Uses slightly sweet pumpkin buns kneaded with pumpkin. A mushroom cheeseburger with a size that you can easily eat. The price is 490 yen (tax included). Sold from September 29th.