Lupicia "THE MARI-Temari-Red Lantern" "THE MARI-Temari-Airaika"

Tea that you can enjoy not only with its aroma and taste, but also with your eyes. Beautifully blooming craft tea "THE MARI" is on sale from the world's tea specialty store Lupicia.


A craft tea made by bundling tea leaves in the shape of a ball and adding a scent with fresh jasmine flowers. The Temari is designed on the package, which is comfortable to the touch of paper. This time, I bought two kinds of flowers, "Kotouka" and "Airaika". The price is 380 yen each (tax included).

Lupicia "THE MARI-Temari-Red Lantern" "THE MARI-Temari-Airaika"

THE MARI-Temari-Red lantern flower

Craft tea with jasmine and amaranth flowers lined up like a small light. Put one craft tea in a heat-resistant glass and pour about 400 ml of boiling water. At first, it has a colon-shaped ball shape, but as time goes by, the tea leaves open slowly and bloom in about 10 minutes. The initially transparent hot water is also dyed in soft brown.

Lupicia "THE MARI-Temari-Red Lantern"

Lupicia "THE MARI-Temari-Red Lantern"

Lupicia "THE MARI-Temari-Red Lantern"

The tea with bright red flowers has a refreshing flavor using green tea. There is no astringency and the refreshing scent of jasmine spreads. Tea is very delicious, but be aware that small tea leaves may come into your mouth when you drink it.

THE MARI-Temari-Airai Hana

A craft tea with a wish for love and peace in a dignified and blooming lily and a white wreath. It looks beautiful not only from above but also from the side. Like the delicate appearance of white flowers, the taste is also elegant. A pleasant scent goes through your nose, leaving a refreshing finish.

Lupicia "THE MARI-Temari-Airai Hana"

Lupicia "THE MARI-Temari-Airai Hana"

Lupicia "THE MARI-Temari-Airai Hana"

If you are busy with work or housework, you may not be able to afford to spend your tea time slowly. Occasionally, why not spend a luxurious time waiting for the tea to bloom gradually?