Ministop "Gurukuru Drinking Apricot Kernel"

From Ministop, "Guru Kuru Drinking White Peach Apricot Kernel", which is the 4th item of "Guru Kuru" and will be 5 items, will be released on September 17th. A popular white peach flavor in combination with apricot kernel.

Apricot kernel drinking white peach

As the name suggests, Guru Kuru is a product that you can easily drink with one hand after mixing it with Guru. A soft serve ice cream that can be mixed and drunk, which is also suitable for To go.

Ministop "Gurukuru Drinking Apricot Kernel"

"Guru Kuru Drinking White Peach Apricot Kernel" to be released this time is a popular white peach flavor in combination with apricot kernel. The white peach sauce contains cut white peach pulp, and you can enjoy the texture. A product recommended for both apricot kernel lovers and peach lovers, with a matching sweet scent of rich apricot kernel and white peach. The price is 397 yen (tax included). The calorie is 319 kcal.