FamilyMart "Ano Imo no Wa Parfait"

I tried FamilyMart's "Anno Imo no Wa Parfait". A cup dessert where you can enjoy the sweet and rich flavor of sweet potatoes. The selling price is 298 yen (tax included).

Anno potato Japanese parfait

FamilyMart "Ano Imo no Wa Parfait"

A Japanese parfait with sweet potatoes, white ball dumplings, and Anno potato cream squeezed on top of Anno potato mousse with black honey warabi mochi.

FamilyMart "Ano Imo no Wa Parfait"

You can see the colorful toppings through the transparent lid. When you open the lid and point the spoon at it, you'll be a little confused about where to eat.

FamilyMart "Ano Imo no Wa Parfait"

First of all, from the square sweet potato. When you bite into it, the contents are tightly packed and you can feel the strong flavor of the potatoes. The black sesame seeds sprinkled on the surface also accentuate the texture.

FamilyMart "Ano Imo no Wa Parfait"

Next is the golden Anno potato cream. This has a more vivid scent than sweet potatoes. The cream melts in the mouth and disappears quickly, but the sweet taste of sweet potatoes is a lingering finish.

FamilyMart "Ano Imo no Wa Parfait"

While trying whipped bean paste that has a flavor like white bean paste, red bean paste with a strong texture and individuality, and elastic white bean paste, digging under the toppings at the end will give you a gentle Anno potato mousse and smoothness. The black honey warabi mochi appears in two layers.

Mousse and warabi mochi have a milder flavor than toppings, so it is recommended to eat them with bean paste or Anno potato cream. If you want to add something to drink, it seems that both Japanese tea and black tea are suitable. The calorie of Japanese parfait of Anno potato is 302kcal per piece.