Black Thunder Chocolate Mint Ice

I tried the ice bar "Seria Royle Black Thunder Chocolate Mint Ice" that I found at 7-ELEVEN. A dish that goes well with crispy cocoa cookies and mint ice cream.

Seria Royle Black Thunder Chocolate Mint Ice

Black Thunder Chocolate Mint Ice

A partnership between Seria Royle and Yuraku Confectionery. The package says, "We are the Chocomin Party !!" Underneath the chocolate coating is mint green ice cream and crushed cocoa cookies.

Black Thunder Chocolate Mint Ice

Black Thunder Chocolate Mint Ice

When I put the knife in, the blade did not pass cleanly and the coating cracked a little. I decided to try this as it is with the atmosphere like Black Thunder. The chocolate on the outside is crispy. The mint ice cream inside has a refreshing scent, a refreshing sensation, and a sweetness comparable to chocolate.

Black Thunder Chocolate Mint Ice

Cocoa cookies are firm and crunchy and crunchy. Maybe it's because the soft ice cream is a good complement, and maybe it's more chewy than the original Black Thunder. I flattened one of them because of the pleasant texture and the compatibility of chocolate and mint. The calorie of Black Thunder chocolate mint ice cream is 298 kcal.