Happy Pancake "Domestic White Peach Rosehip Peach Pancake"

Limited to the Awajishima resort store of the pancake specialty store "Happy Pancakes", "Domestic White Peach Rosehip Peach Pancakes" with plenty of early summer season will be on sale. The price is 1,580 yen (tax included). It will be provided until the time when high quality domestic white peaches are available.

Domestic white peach rosehip peach pancake

"Domestic White Peach Rosehip Peach Pancake" is a special summer menu using domestic white peaches. The new products are in season and are made with high quality domestic white peaches that are available and are perfect for this season. A dish of sweet and fresh white peach with cool lavender jelly and rosehip sauce. Furthermore, Earl Gray is crushed and attached to a plate.

Awaji Island Resort

"Awajishima Resort" faces the calm Seto Inland Sea, and in the daytime it is a beautiful marine blue with a resort feeling, and the sunset on the horizon is so beautiful that it is selected as one of the 100 best sunset views in Japan. The resort-like audience seats are laid out with an ocean view overlooking the Seto Inland Sea from all seats.