Lotteria "Honey Mustard Chicken Fillet Burger" "Crazy Hot Chicken Fillet Burger"

Lotteria will sell "Honey Mustard Chicken Fillet Burger" and "Crazy Hot Chicken Fillet Burger" as regular menus from July 15th (excluding some stores).

At Lotteria, "Honey Mustard Chicken Fillet Burger" was sold for a limited time in November last year, and "Crazy Hot Chicken Fillet Burger" was sold for a limited time in May this year. This time, in response to requests from many people, two types of chicken burgers will be sold as a regular menu.

Honey mustard chicken fillet burger

A spicy Lotteria original garment containing Cajun spice, using a piece of chicken fillet (chicken breast) less than 3 months old, grown on a feed containing rice, and juicy inside. The outside is crispy and topped with about 90g (3.17oz) of fried chicken, topped with the original honey mustard sauce using Argentinean honey. A chicken burger with lettuce, sliced onions, and mayonnaise sandwiched between buns with a rich flavor of wheat. The price is 462 yen (10% tax included).

Lotteria "Honey Mustard Chicken Fillet Burger"

Crazy hot chicken fillet burger

A chicken burger with irresistible spiciness and umami, topped with about twice the sriracha sauce from Lotteria's popular regular menu "Spicy Hot Chicken Fillet Burger". "Spicy hot chicken fillet burger" is made from a piece of "rice-dori" chicken fillet (chicken breast) less than 3 months old, and is finished on a fried chicken of about 90g (3.17oz) finished with a garment containing Cajun spice. , The chicken breast "Shiracha sauce" originated in Thailand is topped. The price is 490 yen (10% tax included).

Lotteria "Crazy Hot Chicken Fillet Burger"