"Celery and beans stir-fried with curry" recipe

Everyone loves curry flavor! Here are three "curry-flavored recipes" that the En-eating editorial department actually made and found to be delicious. "Stir-fried celery and beans with curry" and "Stir-fried zucchini and egg with curry cheese". * Click each recipe name link to jump to the detailed recipe article.

Stir-fried zucchini and egg with curry cheese

"Zucchini and egg curry cheese stir-fried " recipe with zucchini and eggs as the main characters, seasoned with punchy curry and cheese.

"Zucchini and egg curry cheese fried" recipe

The crispy and fresh texture of zucchini and the harmony of fluffy eggs and minced chicken. The curry and cheese flavor gives it a punchy and savory taste. Fluffy, juwa, rich horse is irresistible!

Stir-fried celery and beans with curry

A recipe for " stir-fried celery and beans with curry " that has a pleasant contrasting texture of crispy celery and fluffy beans.

"Celery and beans stir-fried with curry" recipe

A dish that you can enjoy the contrasting texture of crispy celery and loose beans in one bite. It has a summery taste with the spiciness of curry. The texture is responsive and the presence of beans makes the volume perfect! This recipe is also recommended for pre-preparation.

Atsuage minced meat curry boiled

Recipe of "Atsuage minced meat curry boiled " using Atsuage and minced meat.

Recipe for "Atsuage minced meat curry boiled"

The fluffy and fragrant fried tofu is punched by the flavor of curry and the taste of minced meat! Spicy is added based on Japanese seasoning, and the more you chew, the more you can enjoy the depth of taste. The menu is full of volume and is recommended as a dish for rice and lunch boxes.