A recipe for "Enoki and eggplant with Chinese style" that goes on with chopsticks!
"Enoki and eggplant with Chinese style" recipe that uses only enoki and eggplant and seasoned in Chinese style. With its elongated shape like noodles, you can eat it smoothly even in the hot season when you lose your appetite.
Material ( For 3-4 people )
Enoki mushroom 1 bag
Eggplant Large 2 to medium 3
Salty soy sauce, mentsuyu, sesame oil 1 tablespoon
vinegar 2 tablespoons
Enoki and eggplant with Chinese style

"Enoki and eggplant with Chinese style" recipe that uses only enoki and eggplant and seasoned in Chinese style. With its elongated shape like noodles, you can eat it smoothly even in the hot season when you lose your appetite.

Enoki and eggplant with Chinese style

Ingredients (for 4 people)

Enoki mushroom 1 bag eggplant 2 to 3 large soy sauce, mentsuyu, sesame oil 1 tablespoon
2 tablespoons of vinegar

How to make enoki and eggplant with Chinese style

Eggplant is sliced vertically to about 1 cm and then chopped. Image of making it elongated according to the enoki mushroom (it is OK not as thin as the enoki mushroom).

Enoki and eggplant with Chinese style

Enoki and eggplant with Chinese style

Put the cut eggplant in a heat-resistant container, cover it with plastic wrap, heat it in the microwave for 2 minutes, and drain the water.

Enoki and eggplant with Chinese style

Cut the enoki mushrooms and cut them in half. Put it in a heat-resistant container, wrap it, and heat it in the microwave for 1 minute and 30 seconds.

Enoki and eggplant with Chinese style

Mix soy sauce, mentsuyu, sesame oil, and vinegar in a container such as a bowl or tapper, and add eggplant and enoki mushrooms. Refrigerate well for at least 1 hour.

Enoki and eggplant with Chinese style

Enoki and eggplant with Chinese style

Serve on a plate and sprinkle with shichimi pepper or white sesame to complete.

Enoki and eggplant with Chinese style

What is the taste of enoki and eggplant with Chinese style?

The refreshing taste of chopsticks with the acidity of vinegar and the richness of sesame oil. With its elongated shape like noodles, you can eat it smoothly even in the hot season when you lose your appetite. Eggplant enoki mushrooms and a gentle texture, and a savory taste that overflows when chewed. It's a delicious chilled recipe, so it's also recommended for pre-preparation.