Moist and mellow "Chicken with avocado" recipe!
A recipe for "Chicken fillet with avocado" that combines chicken fillet and avocado. Moist protein chicken fillet and mellow, rich avocado go well together.
Material ( For 2-3 people )
Chicken fillet 4
Avocado 1 piece
Cooking sake 2 tablespoons
Noodle soup 2 tablespoons
Sesame seeds 1 tablespoon
sugar 2 tsp
Chicken fillet with avocado recipe

A recipe for "Chicken fillet with avocado" that combines chicken fillet and avocado. Moist protein chicken fillet and mellow, rich avocado go well together.

Chicken fillet with avocado

Ingredients (for 2-3 people)

4 chicken fillets, 1 avocado, 2 tablespoons of sake
2 tablespoons of mentsuyu
1 tablespoon sesame seeds
2 teaspoons of sugar

How to make chicken fillet with avocado

Remove the streaks from the chicken breast and open it to the double doors, spread it on a frying pan, sprinkle it with sake, cover it and steam it. Turn it over on the way, and when it is cooked, take it out and drain it. * You can also use a microwave to heat the chicken.

Chicken fillet with avocado recipe

When the rough heat of the chicken is removed, tear it off with your fingers and loosen it.

Chicken fillet with avocado recipe

Remove the seeds and skin from the avocado and cut into 1 cm squares.

Chicken fillet with avocado recipe

Combine chicken fillet and avocado in a container such as a bowl or tapper, add mentsuyu, sesame seeds, and sugar, and mix the whole to complete.

Chicken fillet with avocado recipe

Chicken fillet with avocado recipe

What is the taste of chicken fillet with avocado?

Chicken fillet with avocado recipe

A good balance of moist protein fillet and mellow avocado texture. The rich sesame flavor, the richness of the mentsuyu and the sweetness of the sugar make it a lasting taste.

A recipe that is chilled and delicious, and is also recommended for pre-preparation. Avocados that are not overripe will not crumble when mixed and will have a beautiful finish.