Easy "cucumber cue-chan style" recipe!
Recipe for homemade "cucumber cue-chan style" is easy to make! Just marinate the cucumbers in the juice with seasonings, let cool, and repeat 3 times. No mistakes even though it is easy to make!
Material ( For 4-5 persons )
cucumber 1 kg (8-9 pcs.)
ginger (Zingiber officinale) one (object)
vinegar 180cc
soy sauce 360cc
sugar 175g (6.17oz)
Gamblea innovans (species of deciduous tree) one (object)
Cucumber cucumber cue-chan style" recipe

Here is a recipe for "cucumber cue-chan style," which you can make by buying cucumbers yourself. It is an addictive taste that you will not be able to stop eating!

Homemade Cuc

umber Cue-chan Style


What you will need.

1 kg (8-9 cucumbers)
1 piece of ginger
180cc of vinegar
360cc of soy sauce
175g (6.17oz) of sugar
1 hawk's claw

The amounts shown are for easy preparation. Please adjust according to the amount you need.


1. Wash cucumber and cut into 2 to 3 cm pieces. 2.

Cucumber cucumber cue-chan style" recipe

Cut ginger into thin strips. 3.

Cucumber cucumber cue-chan style" recipe

3. Put ginger, vinegar, soy sauce, sugar, and hawk's claw into a saucepan, heat, and bring to a boil. 4.

Cucumber cucumber cue-chan style" recipe

Once boiling, turn off the heat, add the cucumbers and leave to cool. It is better if you stir the cucumbers roughly during the cooling process so that all the cucumbers are covered with the liquid. 5.

Cucumber cucumber cue-chan style" recipe

Once cooled, remove the cucumbers and bring the liquid back to a boil. 6.

Cucumber cucumber cue-chan style" recipe

When the water comes to a boil, turn off the heat, add the cucumbers, and let them cool. The cucumbers will be more blistered than before, and it will be easier to soak them all in the juice. 7.

Cucumber cucumber cue-chan style" recipe

7. repeat steps 5 to 6 again. Bring the juice to a boil, soak the cucumbers and let cool, and repeat three times in total.

Cucumber cucumber cue-chan style" recipe

Put the juice in Tupperware or storage bags and refrigerate!

Cucumber cucumber cue-chan style" recipe

How does homemade cucumber taste?

The texture is crunchy and the sweetness overflows with freshness! So delicious! The ginger and hawk's claw give it a subtle spiciness, and the slight piquancy also whets the appetite. A perfect accompaniment to white rice!

Cucumber cucumber cue-chan style" recipe

It takes some time and effort, but when you make it yourself, you can control the origin of the ingredients and additives yourself! Please enjoy it not only as an accompaniment to white rice, but also as a garnish for somen noodles and ochazuke (rice with green tea).