"Infinite celery" recipe

Refreshing flavor! Introducing 3 "celery recipes" using "celery". "Infinite celery" and "stir-fried pork rose and celery with Oimayo". * Click each recipe name link to jump to the detailed recipe page.

Stir-fried pork rose and celery

"Stir-fried pork ribs and celery with Oimayo " recipe that combines juicy pork ribs with fragrant celery and crispy peppers.

"Stir-fried pork rose and celery with Oimayo" recipe

Juicy pork belly full of fragrant gravy, crispy peppers, and refreshing celery go great together! A mellow taste that exquisitely entwines the taste of oyster sauce and the richness of mayonnaise. Among them, the celery flavor is a nice accent, and it surely tightens the greasy pork belly. I'll eat it!

Celery tuna mayo spicy sauce

A simple recipe of "celery tuna mayo spicy sauce " that even people who are not good at unique flavors can eat deliciously.

Simple recipe for "celery tuna mayo spicy sauce"

By boiling it quickly, the unique habit is softened compared to eating it raw, but the aroma remains the same. A refreshing flavor spreads with a crispy and pleasant texture. The mellow taste of Tuna Mayo and the deep richness of Gochujang are insanely delicious! At the end, the slight spiciness invites you to the next bite again.

Infinite celery

The deliciousness of chopsticks that won't stop! An "infinite celery " recipe that allows you to use both stems and leaves at once and easily make them without using fire.

"Infinite celery" recipe

The celery flavor and sesame aroma deepen with a crispy texture. The bittersweetness of celery is wrapped in rich seasoning and fragrance, making it a little adult but easy to eat.