MOW Sweet strawberry milk

From the cup ice "MOW" series, "MOW sweet strawberry milk" was released on March 22nd. The purchase price at a convenience store is 151 yen (excluding tax).

MOW Sweet strawberry milk

"MOW Sweet Ripe Strawberry Milk" is an ice cream that uses sweet and ripe strawberry juice and rich "Morinaga Milk Sweetened Milk". It is a popular "strawberry condensed milk" flavor.

“Strawberry” flavors are gaining in popularity in the ice cream market, and in 2020 they ranked fourth in their favorite flavor rankings after vanilla, chocolate and matcha for the first time in five years. In addition, the limited-time product “MOW Sweetly Fragrant Strawberry” released in the spring of 2020 recorded a sales volume of 143% compared to the limited-time product of the same period of the previous year.

I tried to eat

MOW Sweet strawberry milk

The sweet and sour taste of strawberries is the main ingredient in the mouth. The richness of milk and the well-balanced taste spread.

MOW Sweet strawberry milk

that? Quite ordinary strawberry ice cream? When I thought about it, the condensed milk came from the middle stage. It spreads richly over the aftertaste, creating a three-dimensional effect on the taste. Rather than the mixed taste of strawberry and condensed milk, it is a flavor that you can taste the change from strawberry → condensed milk. It's delicious if you're not a fan of strawberry condensed milk!