"Sweet potato" simple recipe summary

We have compiled a simple recipe using "Sweet potato", which has a soft texture and sweetness. 3 selections such as "Sweet potato Hasselback with a microwave oven" and "Sweet potato and bacon cooked rice".

・ Easy sweet potato Hasselback in the microwave

"Sweet potato" simple recipe summary

A sweet potato-style snack made by sprinkling butter and sugar on sweet potatoes with cuts. Easy to make with a microwave and toaster oven!

]] Click here for detailed recipe " Sweet potato Hasselback in the microwave "

・ Sweet potato and bacon cooked rice

"Sweet potato" simple recipe summary

"Sweet potato and bacon cooked rice" recipe that the saltiness and umami of sweet potato and bacon are irresistible. Add butter to the finish for a more sinful taste.

]] Click here for detailed recipe " Sweet potato and bacon cooked rice "

・ Sweet potato and broccoli hot salad

"Sweet potato" simple recipe summary

A hot salad recipe using sweet potatoes and broccoli. It has a warm taste that is perfect for the cold season.

]] Click here for detailed recipe " Sweet potato and broccoli hot salad "