Matsuya "Matsuya Morning Ben"

Matsuya's "Morning set meal" is now available as a lunch box. "Matsuya Morning Ben" will be on sale from January 20th at 266 stores in Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama, and Chiba prefectures. Served for breakfast only from 5am to 11am.

Matsuya "Matsuya Morning Ben"

"Matsuya Morning Ben" where you can easily eat Matsuya's breakfast menu at home or in the office. There are 2 products in the lineup. "Sarato Beef Plate Morning Bento" (330 yen including tax), "Fafua Toro Toro" with a beef plate that is gently boiled with a special additive-free sauce that keeps the original taste and softness of beef and makes the best use of the taste of the material A "Futaro Ankake Morning Bento" (390 yen including tax), which is wrapped in a gentle soup stock of "egg", will be prepared.

For both menus, you can choose either new incense or kimchi. A special menu with "miso soup", which is a limited service in the store. On a cold morning, a freshly made lunch box and hot miso soup will warm your body.