Real food "CoCo Ichibanya Curry Ndubuchigae Soup

I found this "CoCo Ichibanya Curry Ndubuchigae Soup" from Daisho at the supermarket, and actually tried it. The purchase price was 219 yen.

CoCo Ichibanya Curry Ddubjigae Soup

A collaboration under the supervision of CoCo Ichibanya! CoCo Ichibanya Curry Sundubjigae Soup is a curry-flavored soup for Sundubjigae, made with CoCo Ichibanya's curry sauce, pork extract, and spicy hot spices.

Real food "CoCo Ichibanya Curry Ndubuchigae Soup
CoCo Ichibanya Curry Ndubuchige Soup

Aside from the soup, you will also need one "silken tofu," 150g (5.29oz) of thinly sliced pork, and 1/2 of a spring onion. You can also add eggs or cheese if you like, or add clams or other seafood instead of meat.

Real food "CoCo Ichibanya Curry Ndubuchigae Soup

It is easy to make. Put the soup in a pot over medium heat and bring it to a boil, then add the meat and green onions. Shake the soup well before adding it to the pot.

Real food "CoCo Ichibanya Curry Ndubuchigae Soup

When the meat is cooked, scoop out the tofu with a large spoon and add it to the pot. Bring to a boil, simmer for about 5 minutes, and turn off the heat. Add a raw egg or cheese as a finishing touch to soften the spiciness. The key is to add them just before turning off the heat.

Real food "CoCo Ichibanya Curry Ndubuchigae Soup

Full-bodied and spicy!

The aroma of curry from the moment it is cooked! The soup is rich in flavor and goes well with tofu and meat. The soup is rich in flavor and goes well with the tofu and meat. After swallowing, a pleasant spiciness lingers in the back of your throat, making you want to eat more. The soup itself is rich and delicious, so you can add rice or noodles if you like!

Real food "CoCo Ichibanya Curry Ndubuchigae Soup

CoCo Ichibanya Curry Sundubu Jigae Soup is perfect for cold days. Recommended for those who want to enjoy a slightly different kind of sundubu!