Two types of "hot lemonade" that warms up in Moriba coffee

Two new flavors have been added to the hot lemonade of Moriba Coffee. "Hot honey lemonade" and "Hot rose hip lemonade".

A series titled "Fresh Lemonade of Flash". First of all, the selling price of "Hot Honey Lemonade" is 430 yen for "R" size (tax included, same below). It contains fresh lemon juice and is made as a hot drink that you can enjoy with the accompanying pure honey.

The selling price of "Hot Rosehip Lemonade" is 430 yen for "R" size. A warm drink with the refreshing acidity of freshly squeezed lemon juice and the gentle acidity of rosehips.

The plain "hot lemonade" will continue to be sold for 380 yen. Here you can enjoy the refreshing acidity of freshly squeezed lemon juice and the gorgeous scent of lemon peel.

You can also order plain, mint, grapefruit, and strawberry flavors for cold lemonade. The selling price is from 320 yen for "S" size.