Sweet and sour toro! Stir-fried eggplant with nanban
"Nanban stir-fried eggplant" finished with a sweet and sour seasoning of Nanban style. Eggplant's mellow texture and sweet and spicy taste are behind.
Material ( For 2-3 people )
Eggplant 3
Sesame oil 1 tablespoon
Noodle soup (3 times concentrated) 1 tablespoon
sugar 1 tablespoon
sweet sake 1 tablespoon
Liquor 1 tablespoon
vinegar 1 tablespoon
Sesame Appropriate amount
Eggplant nanban stir-fried recipe

The sweet and sour taste and the texture of Toro Toro are addictive! Introducing the recipe for "stir-fried eggplant nanban". Recommended for mass consumption of eggplant.

Sweet and sour toro! Stir-fried eggplant with nanban


3 eggplants 1 tablespoon sesame oil
1 tablespoon noodle soup (3 times concentrated)
1 tablespoon sugar
1 tablespoon mirin
1 tablespoon liquor
1 tablespoon vinegar
Appropriate amount of sesame

How to make

Combine noodle soup, sugar, mirin, sake, and vinegar in a container and mix well so that the sugar dissolves.

Eggplant nanban stir-fried recipe

Cut the eggplant into slices. The thickness is about 1 to 1.5 cm.

Eggplant nanban stir-fried recipe

Add sesame oil to a frying pan and fry the eggplant until it is browned on both sides.

Eggplant nanban stir-fried recipe

Eggplant nanban stir-fried recipe

Add the mixed seasoning and simmer while entwining the whole.

Eggplant nanban stir-fried recipe

When the water content is about half, turn off the heat and preheat to further remove the water.

Eggplant nanban stir-fried recipe

Serve on a plate and sprinkle with sesame seeds to complete.

Eggplant nanban stir-fried recipe

What is its taste?

The soft texture of Toro Toro has a sweet and spicy Japanese taste that exudes when chewed. It's rich, but it's sour and sweet and sour, and the next one is the deliciousness of chopsticks! The fragrant sesame is an accent to the texture and enriches the flavor.

Eggplant nanban stir-fried recipe

It's nice that the taste isn't too strong and you can feel the refreshing taste of eggplant. It's refreshing and delicious even when it's cold, so it's also recommended for pre-preparation. Please try it in the cheap season of eggplant ♪