Calbee Plus deals set at home

At Calbee's official online shop "Grano Life", "Home Calbee Plus Value Set" is on sale for a limited time and in limited quantities from May 11th. The price is 5,400 yen (tax included, free shipping).

This is a set of 16 popular items sold exclusively at the antenna shop "Calbee Plus". We want people who are spending their time at home to enjoy the "Taste of Calbee Plus" by refraining from going out to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection, so it will be sold exclusively online.

Focusing on the popular "Potato Crispy Inca Awakening" and "Hokkaido Imokomachi" as limited edition products of "Calbee Plus", we have an assortment of products that you want to eat at least once, such as potato chips fried in olive oil. Items with a regular store price of 10,000 yen or more are sold at half price. There are products with a shorter expiration date than usual (mid-June to early August), but the crispy texture remains the same. I'm looking forward to seeing what's in it after opening it.

At the same time, "Kamaage Chips Rokurinsha Tsukemen Flavor" sold at Calbee Plus Tokyo Station is also sold online. Potato chips that reproduce the taste of the super-rich soup of tsukemen from the popular ramen shop "Rokurinsha". It comes in 15g (0.53oz) x 8 bags and the price including tax is 800 yen (free shipping for a total purchase of 5,000 or more). Limited quantity.

Kamaage Chips Rokurinsha Tsukemen Flavor