Lawson "Uchi Cafe × GODIVA Chocolat Tourbillon

Uchi Cafe x GODIVA Chocolat Tourbillon" will go on sale at Lawson on April 28. GODIVA Chocolat Soft & Chip, the first regional limited product of the collaboration, will also be available.

Uchi Cafe × GODIVA Chocolat Tourbillon

Uchi Cafe × GODIVA Chocolat Tourbillon is a new product of roll cake, which is one of the most popular chocolatey sweets supervised by GODIVA. As the name "Tourbillon" means "whirlpool" in French, dark chocolate cream and milk chocolate cream are squeezed like a whirlpool on the rolled cake with chocolate mousse wrapped in chocolate dough. The dark chocolate ganache underneath the chocolate mousse and the cacao nib topping are accents. The price is 450 yen (tax included).

Lawson "Uchi Cafe × GODIVA Chocolat Tourbillon

GODIVA Chocolat Soft & Chip

GODIVA Chocolat Soft & Chip, available only in the local area, is a self-serve soft ice cream that you make yourself using a special machine at the store. It is made with plenty of high-cacao Belgian chocolate for a bitter taste. Chocolate chips are kneaded into the soft ice cream to add chocolate flavor and texture. The price is 380 yen (tax included). Available only at stores selling soft ice cream in the Chugoku and Shikoku regions, Kyushu and Okinawa Prefecture.

Lawson "GODIVA chocolate soft and chips