Canned Shinoda "Rice is simmered with mackerel kimchi"

"Rice is Susumu Saba Kimchi Boiled", which was jointly developed with Pickles Corporation, is on sale from Shinoda Canned Foods. It comes in 190g (6.7oz) and costs 300 yen (excluding tax).

"Rice is Susumu Saba Kimchi Boiled" is a collaboration product between Pickles Corporation's best-selling product "Rice is Susumu Kimchi" and Shinoda Canning Co., Ltd., a long-established canning maker founded in 1883. The rice is seasoned based on the characteristic of Susumu Kimchi, "the sweetness of apples and the taste of seafood such as dried bonito," and is finished in canned mackerel kimchi that can be enjoyed by the whole family.

"Rice is simmered with mackerel kimchi" that you can enjoy as it is, but it seems to be useful for the arrangement menu. If you like kimchi and mackerel cans, check it out!