Moist and rich! American peanut butter cookie
The outside is refreshing and the inside is moist and rich. Here's a recipe for making American peanut butter cookies easily.
Material ( About 18 pieces )
peanut butter 180g (6.35oz)
egg 1 piece
sugar 60g (2.12oz)
Peanut butter cookie

The outside is refreshing and the inside is moist and rich. Here are recipes that make it easy to make American cookies like those sold in cafes. The point is to finish with peanut butter without using flour.

Moist and rich peanut butter cookie

Material (for about 18 pieces)
Peanut butter (chunk) 180g (6.35oz)
1 egg sugar 60g (2.12oz)

Peanut butter cookie
Peanut butter with low sweetness is recommended

How to make
Preheat the oven to 170 ° C (338 ° F).

Mix the eggs and sugar.

Peanut butter cookie

Peanut butter cookie

Add peanut butter and mix further.

Peanut butter cookie

Peanut butter cookie

Drop the dough with a spoon on the top plate with an oven sheet. If it loses its shape, it can be easily corrected by using the back of a fork.

Peanut butter cookie

Peanut butter cookie

Bake in an oven at 170 ° C (338 ° F) for 12 minutes to complete.

Peanut butter cookie

Peanut butter cookie

How does it taste?
The surface is light and the inside is moist and soft. It melts and spreads the richness and aroma of peanuts. The sweetness increases with the aftertaste, giving it a richer taste. I want coffee!

Peanut butter cookie

Peanut butter cookie

Speaking of texture alone, I think Country Ma'am is close. The contrast between the soft dough and the crispy texture of the peanut chunks is nice.

Peanut butter cookie

A recipe that makes it easy to make cookies with an American impression that is a bit different from cookies made from wheat flour. It is also recommended when you have excess peanut butter!