Easy rice crackers in the microwave! Also good for leftover rice consumption!
A simple recipe that can be made with rice and your favorite furikake. If you want to grab something to eat but don't have anything at home, this is a good choice.
Material ( for one person )
cooked rice Approx. 80-100g (3.53oz)
fish flour proper quantity
Easy rice crackers made with leftover rice in the microwave

For leftover rice consumption! Here is a recipe for "rice crackers" made in a microwave oven. If you want to have something to snack on but don't have anything at home....

Easy microwave rice cracker



About 80-100g (3.53oz) gohan
Furikake (sprinkles) As needed


Mix gohan and furikake together. We recommend using a little more than usual. For this recipe, we used Yukari and Chirimen-Sansho (Japanese pepper).

Easy rice crackers made with leftover rice in the microwave

Easy rice crackers made with leftover rice in the microwave

Spread the rice on a cookie sheet.

Easy rice crackers made with leftover rice in the microwave

Place another cookie sheet between the rice and spread the rice with a rolling pin. The standard thickness is about 3 mm.

Easy rice crackers made with leftover rice in the microwave

Remove the top cookie sheet and heat in a microwave oven at 500W for 4 minutes.

Easy rice crackers made with leftover rice in the microwave

Easy rice crackers made with leftover rice in the microwave

Remove the cookie sheet and place it again on top of the cookie sheet you just removed.

Easy rice crackers made with leftover rice in the microwave

Turn over and peel off the cookie sheet on the reverse side (the one used for heating).

Easy rice crackers made with leftover rice in the microwave

Place in microwave oven again and heat for 2 minutes.

Remove from heat, break into pieces by hand to desired size, and serve!

Easy rice crackers made with leftover rice in the microwave

How do the easy rice crackers taste?

Crispy and light texture, with the sweetness of rice spreading gradually. The rice crackers are full of aroma!

Easy rice crackers made with leftover rice in the microwave

The Yukari rice cracker has a rich aroma and sweetness that spreads as you bite into it. The sugar content makes them slightly prone to burning, so watch carefully during the latter half of the heating process.

Easy rice crackers made with leftover rice in the microwave

The Chirimen Sansho rice cracker has a nice contrast between the moist jako and the crunchy rice cracker texture. The rice cracker is not all about the hardness, so you will not get bored of eating it. The umami of the shirasu (baby sardines) that slowly seeps out and the accent of the sansho (Japanese pepper) is also good.

Easy rice crackers made with leftover rice in the microwave

If you don't have furikake, you can sprinkle sesame and salt on the rice, or just mix soy sauce or mentsuyu into the rice.