CCC Cheese Cheese Cafe "Raclette Cheese Grill Plate"

"CCC Cheese Cheese Cafe", a wine and cheese specialty store. There are stores in Tokyo, Hokkaido, Kyoto, etc. (at the time of writing the article).

The Ebisu store I visited this time is on the 6th floor of a building about a 2-minute walk from JR Ebisu Station. The interior of the store has a high ceiling that makes you feel the warmth of wood. Light music is played, and it feels like a theme park restaurant.

CCC Cheese Cheers Cafe Ebisu

The popular menu is "Raclette Cheese Grill Plate". I chose "Healthy hot vegetables and grilled bacon" (1,990 yen) from three types. After a while after ordering, raclette cheese with a warm cut appeared along with the grill plate. The clerk will sprinkle plenty of Toro Toro cheese in front of you. The tension goes up!


ワイン×チーズ料理専門店の「CCC チーズチーズカフェ」に行ってきました! 恵比寿店があるのは、JR恵比寿駅から徒歩2分ほどのビルの6階。店内には軽快な音楽が流れており、まるでテーマパークのレストランのような雰囲気です。 人気メニューは「ラクレットチーズのグリルプレート」。店員さんが目の前で切り口を温めたラクレットチーズをたっぷりかけてくれます。テンション上がる~! 「チーズ×チーズ×チーズ」は、チーズの形が可愛い自家製レアチーズケーキ。ふわふわの口あたりで、チーズのまろやかな旨みが広がります。 詳しい食レポは近日中にえん食べサイトで公開予定。ぜひチェックしてみてください! #えん食べ #CCCチーズチーズカフェ #チーズチーズカフェ #チーズカフェ #ラクレットチーズ #チーズ #チーズ好き #チーズ大好き #チーズケーキ #レアチーズケーキ #ワイン #恵比寿カフェ #恵比寿ランチ #恵比寿ディナー #恵比寿 #恵比寿グルメ #カフェ #カフェ巡り #カフェスイーツ #cheese #cheesecake #cafe #ebisu #wine #raclette #raclettecheese

えん食べ(@entabejp)がシェアした投稿 -

CCC Cheese Cheese Cafe "Raclette Cheese Grill Plate"

The plate contains bacon, potatoes, broccoli, asparagus, etc., all of which go great with the smooth, melty cheese. Cheese wraps the saltiness of bacon and the faint sweetness of vegetables. The crispy and fragrant grilled meat is also delicious. When it cools, the cheese becomes hard, so the point is to eat it hot.

CCC Cheese Cheese Cafe "Raclette Cheese Grill Plate"

CCC Cheese Cheese Cafe "Raclette Cheese Grill Plate"

"Prosciutto ham fruit to enjoy cheese" (1,290 yen) is a dessert-like snack. A perfect balance of sweetness of fruit, richness of cheese, and saltiness of prosciutto. It is irresistible when combined with wine.

CCC Cheese Cheese Cafe "Prosciutto ham fruit to enjoy cheese"

Put pickles (390 yen) between cheese dishes and re-taste. The moderate acidity will cleanly reset the cheese-rich mouth.

CCC Cheese Cheese Cafe Pickles

The dessert "Cheese x Cheese x Cheese" (690 yen) is a homemade rare cheesecake made with the image of the CCC logo. The shape of the cheese that appears in the anime is cute! The fluffy mouthfeel spreads the mellow taste of cheese. Sweet and sour berries and crispy cookies attached to the side are good accents.

CCC Cheese Cheese Cafe "Cheese x Cheese x Cheese"

The menu also includes cheese risotto, special cheese fondue, meat dishes, and cheese-rich pizza that you can finish right in front of you. There is plenty of wine so you can enjoy the best mariage. If you like cheese, please go there!