Easy recipe for "Daikon Sweets"! Just sprinkle soybean flour on it! Fluffy and crispy!
Daikon radish has a strong image of being used for cooking, but just by cutting it and sprinkling kinako (soybean flour) over it, it can be turned into a sweet treat! It's addictively delicious!
Material ( Serves 2 to 3 )
root about 5 cm
soybean flour 3-4 tablespoons
sugar 3-4 tablespoons
Easy Recipe for Radish Sweets

Daikon Sweets" were introduced on a TV program a few years ago and became a hot topic. Daikon, a vegetable that is boiled, simmered or grated, can be turned into an instant sweet by combining it with soybean flour!

Daikon Sweets



What to prepare

Daikon radish about 5 cm
3-4 tablespoons soybean flour
3-4 tablespoons sugar


Peel radish and cut into 7-8 mm cubes.

Easy Recipe for Radish Sweets

Put soybean flour and sugar in a bowl and mix well.

Easy Recipe for Radish Sweets

Soak the daikon thoroughly with kitchen paper, place in a bowl, and sprinkle the kinako sugar evenly over the daikon. Hold the pan in your hand and shake it back and forth to coat the daikon with the soybean flour sugar, as if you were frying in a frying pan.

Easy Recipe for Radish Sweets
Hold the bowl with your hand.

Easy Recipe for Radish Sweets
large thing swaying

Let stand for 5 minutes.

Easy Recipe for Radish Sweets

When the daikon becomes moist, shake the bowl again to dust the daikon with soybean flour sugar. Repeat this 4-5 times and you're done!

Easy Recipe for Radish Sweets
just keep on rocking and swaying

Easy Recipe for Radish Sweets
Repeat 4-5 times to complete.

How does it taste?

The moment you eat it, it is soft and fluffy, and for a moment you wonder if it is kinako mochi (soybean flour glutinous rice cake). But when you bite into it, you will feel the crunchy and fresh texture. The gap between the two is addictive! It's a strange sensation, but very tasty! Sweet and juicy, it's like it's not daikon at all.

Easy Recipe for Radish Sweets

It is fluffy and coated with soybean flour when it is freshly made, but if you let it sit for a little while, it becomes a little moist and chewy, which I personally liked. However, if you leave it for a long time, the water from the daikon will come out and make it sticky, so it is best to eat it as soon as possible. Enjoy it at your favorite time!