Shinjuku's small animal cafe "Hedgehog and Degu Shop Hug Cafe"

"Hedgehog and Degu Shop HAGU CAFE" is a 1-minute walk from Seibu Shinjuku Station. A small animal cafe where you can interact with hedgehogs, degu, and sugar gliders.

The entrance may seem a bit suspicious because it is located near the downtown area, but the inside of the store is a cute space with a fairy tale. There is a small house for each seat to hold the animals.

Shinjuku's small animal cafe "Hedgehog and Degu Shop Hug Cafe"
The entrance may be a little confusing. Use the signboard as a landmark.

Shinjuku's small animal cafe "Hedgehog and Degu Shop Hug Cafe"
Hedgehogs are in front of you in the seats along the wall!

Prices start at 1,200 yen (tax included) for 30 minutes and include a drink. For drinks, you can choose tea etc. from the server in the corner of the store, but the impression that few people actually drank it. You can also give snacks to each small animal for a few hundred yen.

When you get to your seat, the staff will explain to you and tell you what you want to touch. The first choice was Degu! It is a popular rodent as a pet because of its plump form and high learning ability and friendliness.

Shinjuku's small animal cafe "Hedgehog and Degu Shop Hug Cafe"
Poly Poly Poly ...

Place a blanket on your knee and gently stroke it, being careful not to drop it. It's cute to pick up nuts from a small plate with snacks and grab them with all one's might! The staff will gently teach you how to touch and give snacks, so even those who touch it for the first time are safe ♪

Shinjuku's small animal cafe "Hedgehog and Degu Shop Hug Cafe"
I'm crazy about snacks!

Shinjuku's small animal cafe "Hedgehog and Degu Shop Hug Cafe"
Be careful as the tail is easily torn off

A hedgehog with a cute nose that moves tingling has a tingling back, but its stomach is soft and soft! When you scoop it up gently, it stays still in the palm of your hand.

Shinjuku's small animal cafe "Hedgehog and Degu Shop Hug Cafe"
The nose is the charm point

Shinjuku's small animal cafe "Hedgehog and Degu Shop Hug Cafe"
Some people touched it with their bare hands, but I wore gloves because it hurt soberly.

Basically, hedgehogs are more like "getting used to" than "nostalgic". Some children don't like hugging, so it might be a good idea to ask the staff to choose a child who seems to be in a good mood and enjoy interacting with them. Also, since snacks are small insects called mealworms, be careful if you are not good at it.

Shinjuku's small animal cafe "Hedgehog and Degu Shop Hug Cafe"

The last thing I touched on was the sugar glider. The one who came to the author was a child with a pure white body and attractive black eyes. When you give out a snack, your face will come closer and you will bite into it. It's very friendly, and you can grab your fingertips and lick it with your small tongue ...! The other sugar glider was clinging to the clothes of other customers, playing and moving.

Shinjuku's small animal cafe "Hedgehog and Degu Shop Hug Cafe"

Shinjuku's small animal cafe "Hedgehog and Degu Shop Hug Cafe"
Uruuru no Hitomi

Shinjuku's small animal cafe "Hedgehog and Degu Shop Hug Cafe"
Does it smell like food ...?

Shinjuku's small animal cafe "Hedgehog and Degu Shop Hug Cafe"
I feel like I'm sleepy

Shinjuku "Hedgehog and Degu Shop HAGU CAFE" where you can interact with cute animals. Perfect when you're having trouble choosing a pet, wanting to be healed, or just wanting to spend some time. Also, since the number of seats is limited, it is safe to make a reservation from the official website in advance.


西武新宿駅から徒歩1分の場所にある「ハリネズミとデグーのお店 HAGU CAFE(ハグカフェ)」。 . ハリネズミやデグー、フクロモモンガと触れ合える小動物カフェです。 . ひくひく動くお鼻がキュートなハリネズミに、やんちゃなデグー、好奇心いっぱいのフクロモモンガ達と触れ合えます♪ . そうっと抱っこして可愛がったり、直接おやつ(追加料金)をあげたり。相性や性格を見て、気に入った子をお迎えすることも可能です。 . 価格は30分1,200円(ワンドリンク付き)から。 . 曜日や時間帯によっては混む場合があるため、事前に予約してから行くのがおすすめです。 . . #えん食べ #ハグカフェ #西武新宿 #新宿カフェ #新宿 #動物カフェ #ハリネズミ #ハリネズミカフェ #モモンガ #フクロモモンガ #デグー #デグー好きと繋がりたい #小動物 #動物好きな人と繋がりたい #カフェ #カフェ巡り #hagucafe #cafe #animal #cute

えん食べ(@entabejp)がシェアした投稿 -

■ HAGU CAFE Shinjuku Main Store
Address: 1-27-3 Kabukicho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo KK Building 4F