Sugar-free snack "Grilled Koya-Tofu with Cheese
This is a recipe for a super tasty snack that keeps time, effort, and sugar as low as possible, but still makes beer go down the drain. The dried tofu absorbs the sauce and becomes chewy!
Material ( For 2 persons )
freeze-dried tofu two sheets (pieces) (of paper)
Grated garlic (tube is OK) proper quantity
pizza cheese 40g (1.41oz)
Worcestershire sauce 2 tablespoons
mirin 1 tablespoon
soy sauce 1/2 tablespoon
black pepper (Piper nigrum) proper quantity
olive oil 1 tablespoon
Sugar-free snack "Grilled Koya-Tofu with Cheese

We introduce a recipe for "grilled dried tofu with cheese," a delicious side dish that requires as little time, effort, and carbohydrates as possible. Beer goes down a treat!

Koya-tofu grilled with cheese



The recipe is based on the one from the Co-op Pal System. Serves 2

2 slices Koya-Tofu
Grated garlic (tube is OK) Directions
40g (1.41oz) pizza cheese
2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
1 tablespoon mirin
1/2 tablespoon soy sauce
1/2 tablespoon black pepper Directions
1 tablespoon olive oil

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Soak Koya-Tofu in water, drain well and cut. Then cut into bite-sized pieces.

Sugar-free snack "Grilled Koya-Tofu with Cheese
Put it back in water.

Sugar-free snack "Grilled Koya-Tofu with Cheese

In a frying pan, saute olive oil and grated garlic, and when fragrant, add koya-tofu.

Sugar-free snack "Grilled Koya-Tofu with Cheese
Saute in garlic & olive oil.

Add Worcestershire sauce, mirin, and soy sauce, stir-fry to combine, and finish by topping with cheese and black pepper. When the cheese melts, it is ready to serve!

Sugar-free snack "Grilled Koya-Tofu with Cheese
Add sauces

Sugar-free snack "Grilled Koya-Tofu with Cheese
Sprinkle cheese and black pepper on top.

Sugar-free snack "Grilled Koya-Tofu with Cheese

How does grilled dried tofu with cheese taste?

Sugar-free snack "Grilled Koya-Tofu with Cheese

Yum! The plump and plump koya-tofu absorbs the sweet and spicy sauce and is juicy, and the melted cheese wraps around it in a mellow and mild way. The creamy texture, chewy texture of the dried bean curd, and the flavor of the sauce are an addictive match! The aroma of garlic also whets the appetite and makes the alcohol go down a storm.

Sugar-free snack "Grilled Koya-Tofu with Cheese
both the stomach and the tongue are pleased (used to describe a person's pleasure)

This grilled dried tofu with cheese is well seasoned and tasty, and will fill your stomach to the brim. You can add mushrooms, bacon, etc. as you like!

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