CAMPANELLA E "Blue Meltin Sandwich"

Tokyo Campanella "CAMPANELLA E"

Tokyo Campanella's new brand "CAMPANELLA E". It is a brand that provides experiences that you want to share with the concept of "opening the door to new delicious experiences."

Blue meltin sand

The first product is "Blue Meltin Sandwich". It is sold at Daimaru Tokyo store and HANAGATAYA Gransta Tokyo Chuo Passage store.

CAMPANELLA E "Blue Meltin Sandwich"

A product born from the image of the popular blue herbal tea and cookies at The Campanella Cafe. White chocolate and herbal tea sauce are sandwiched with langue de chat cookies. The price starts from 1,200 yen including tax for 8 pieces.

CAMPANELLA E "Blue Meltin Sandwich"

A cat tongue that crumbles when you raise your teeth. Along with its fragrance, the richness of white chocolate that melts smoothly spreads. The scent of butter is fluffy afterwards.

CAMPANELLA E "Blue Meltin Sandwich"

The transparent blue sauce overflows from the inside. The herbal tea of "Butterfly Pea" with blue flowers is finished in lemon flavor, and it looks and tastes refreshing. While matching the sweetness of chocolate, it leads to an elegant aftertaste. You can carry it around at room temperature, but if you eat it after cooling it, the sauce will be cooler and more delicious.

CAMPANELLA E "Blue Meltin Sandwich"

"Blue Meltin Sandwich" makes you want to share the moment when beautiful sauce overflows with someone. Remember when you're looking for a strange Tokyo souvenir.