Pasta-style konjac

A savior when you want to eat pasta but want to reduce calories and sugar. I found "pasta-style konjac" at a supermarket. I made two kinds of sauce, peperoncino sauce and tomato sauce. The purchase price is 168 yen each.

Pasta-style konjac is an elongated konjac that looks like pasta and is made from domestic konjac flour. One bag of sauce is attached to each. The sugar content of konjac noodles (per 130g (4.59oz) per meal) is 1.6g (0.21oz). The calories per meal are 55 kcal for peperoncino and 52 kcal for tomatoes.

Pasta-style konjac


[How to make]
1. Take the konjac out of the bag and wash it well (it is better to cook it after boiling it in boiling water for 2 to 3 minutes).

Pasta-style konjac peperoncino sauce

2. Put konjac in a heated frying pan and let it drain.

Pasta-style konjac peperoncino sauce

3. Add ingredients as you like and fry lightly (this time using mushrooms and shirasu)

Pasta-style konjac peperoncino sauce

4. When it's cooked, reduce the heat to low and entangle the sauce.

Pasta-style konjac peperoncino sauce

It looks like flat pasta, but the texture is still konjac. It has a unique elasticity with a smooth mouthfeel. Since each bite is chewed many times, it is good to prevent premature eating.

Pasta-style konjac peperoncino sauce

The sauce entwined with konjac has plenty of clam flavor. Pepper and garlic work reasonably well, giving it a addictive taste. I don't feel the smell of konjac, so even those who don't like that unique flavor can eat it deliciously. Excellent compatibility with Peperoncino and Shirasu & Mushrooms.

Pasta-style konjac peperoncino sauce

Tomato sauce

The method of making is the same as Peperoncino. I used broccoli and tomatoes as ingredients here.

Pasta-style konjac tomato sauce

The sauce is based on tomato paste, with beef extract, brown roux, onion extract, chicken extract, etc. It has a deep taste like a demiglace sauce that has been carefully simmered. The light konjac has a refreshing sweetness, richness, and umami.

Pasta-style konjac tomato sauce

The amount of both is small, but the flavor is strong, so there is a sense of satisfaction. Why not try using pasta as a staple food instead?