Simple recipe for konjac hamburger steak, a friend of dieters
The plump texture is delightful!
Material ( For 2 persons )
Konnyaku (can be made into boards or strings) 100g (3.53oz)
ground meat 100-150g (5.29oz)
onion (edible plant, Allium cepa) 1/2 piece
egg one (object)
(cow's) milk 25g (0.88oz)
breadcrumbs proper quantity
salt and pepper proper quantity
Ketchup and sauces (for seasoning) proper quantity
Simple recipe for konjac hamburger steak, a friend of dieters

Want to eat a juicy hamburger steak but are concerned about calories? Then, "konjac hamburger steak" is recommended! It is an excellent diet recipe because it is easy to reduce calories and has a fun texture that will make you feel full!

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Konjac hamburger steak recipe


*Servings for 2 people

Konnyaku (can be made as boards or strings) 100g (3.53oz)
Ground beef 100-150g (5.29oz)
1/2 onion
1 egg
25g (0.88oz) milk
Bread crumbs to taste
Salt and pepper to taste
Ketchup or sauce to taste


Chop onion and konnyaku into small pieces. A food processor is easy to use, but if you don't have one, just chop them by hand.

Simple recipe for konjac hamburger steak, a friend of dieters

Place onions in a heatproof container and microwave for 1 minute. If you are in a hurry or want to keep the crunchy texture, you can omit this step.

Put ground meat, onion, konnyaku, egg, milk, salt and pepper in a bowl and knead well.

Simple recipe for konjac hamburger steak, a friend of dieters

Simple recipe for konjac hamburger steak, a friend of dieters

When the dough has reached the right consistency, roll the dough into a ball and bake it in a frying pan with oil (not included). When one side is browned, turn over, add a little water, cover with a lid, and steam.

Simple recipe for konjac hamburger steak, a friend of dieters

Serve in a bowl with ketchup and sauce to taste!

Simple recipe for konjac hamburger steak, a friend of dieters

Konnyaku hamburger steak. How does it taste?

This is delicious...! And a new texture! The plump and juicy hamburger steak has a crunchy texture from the konnyaku, making each bite a delight!

Simple recipe for konjac hamburger steak, a friend of dieters

Simple recipe for konjac hamburger steak, a friend of dieters

The bouncy texture makes it even more satisfying to eat. The slippery texture is also pleasant and fresh. The meatiness of the hamburger is not diminished, and the satisfaction level as a hamburger is well maintained. It is nice to be able to cut down on calories with this dish!

Simple recipe for konjac hamburger steak, a friend of dieters

If you substitute okara powder for the breadcrumbs, you can cut down on the sugar content even further. Try it if you want a more stoic finish!

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