100% fruit juice "watermelon juice"

Recently popular "watermelon juice". Drinks using watermelon appeared one after another in cafe chains such as Starbucks, and it became a hot topic.

By the way, this time, a tasting review of 4 "100% fruit juice" watermelon juices sold at Seijo Ishii and KALDI! Even with the same watermelon juice, the taste is completely different, so it's fun to drink and compare.

Chaba watermelon juice

100% fruit juice "watermelon juice"

"CHABAA watermelon juice" is a watermelon juice made by adding a small amount of lemon juice to straight squid juice from Thailand, the fruit kingdom. In a limited quantity, "CHABAA yellow watermelon juice" using yellow watermelon juice is also available. No fragrances, colorings or artificial sweets are used.

100% fruit juice "watermelon juice"
This is red

"Red" is the deliciousness of the concentrated sweetness that spreads throughout your mouth, as if you squeezed the bright red flesh of watermelon. The mellow yet silky sweetness wraps the tongue and the aftertaste is refreshing.

100% fruit juice "watermelon juice"

Chaba Yellow Water Melon Juice

"Yellow" has a lighter taste than red. Although it does not have a green odor, it has a refreshing sweetness that makes you feel the texture of vegetables. The sharpness of the aftertaste is also good, so it is easy to drink.

100% fruit juice "watermelon juice"
This is yellow

100% fruit juice "watermelon juice"
Refreshing sweetness

Chaba juice, which has a lot of repercussions such as "It tastes like watermelon itself" and "It tastes better than watermelon", has a really condensed taste of watermelon, so it is worth a try.

Sonoma Garden Foods Watermelon Juice

100% fruit juice "watermelon juice"

Watermelon juice sold at Seijo Ishii. 100% watermelon juice from Vietnam is used. No fragrances, colorings or artificial sweets are used.

Shake the bottle well and then put it in your mouth ...

100% fruit juice "watermelon juice"

It ’s dark! Sweetness with a unique richness! The taste and mouthfeel are rich, and the flesh is so flesh that you can feel the roughness of the watermelon fiber on your tongue. Is it a little quirky at first? I thought, but I'm getting addicted to it.

Fruta Fruta Press Watermelon

100% fruit juice "watermelon juice"

Straight fruit juice drink "FRUTA FRUTA PRESS watermelon" using squid sent directly from the production area. Lime is added to the watermelon juice to make it simple. No sugar, flavors, colorings or concentrated ingredients are used.

100% fruit juice "watermelon juice"

Unlike the other three products, lime juice is added, so the sweetness of watermelon and the acidity and bitterness of lime can be removed from the moment you put it in your mouth. Unexpectedly strong lime, taste like vegetable juice. The sweetness is so low that you will want to drink it when you are thirsty.

By the way, the one I personally liked the most was Chaba's watermelon juice (red) . The taste of the watermelon that you are familiar with is concentrated and it is very luxurious to drink. I want to keep this in the refrigerator!

The season when you get sweaty just by walking. It will get hotter from now on, but let's get rid of it by hydrating it deliciously and well!