Microwave Mug Cake
Just mix the four ingredients, put them in a mug, and pop it in the microwave!
Material ( for one person )
egg one (object)
sugar 2 tablespoons
pancake mix 30g (1.06oz)
oil 1/2 tablespoon
Microwave Mug Cake

Introducing "Microwave Mug Cake," a simple homemade snack that can easily be eaten out of a mug. How about serving it with mug French to ast?


Mug Cake Recipe


The recipe is based on the one from the Co-op Pal System.

1 egg
2 tablespoons sugar
30g (1.06oz) pancake mix
1/2 tablespoon oil

And prepare a regular size mug (heat resistant). The batter should just fit about one-third to one-half of the way up from the bottom of the cup; if the mug is too small, it will overflow when cooked.


a bowl, lightly whisk the eggs and sugar until fluffy.

Microwave Mug Cake

Microwave Mug Cake

Add the pancake mix while sifting, and then add one-half tablespoon of oil.

Microwave Mug Cake

By the way, if you don't want to go through the trouble of separating the ingredients and mixing them together, you can just put the eggs, sugar, and pancake mix in a bowl and mix them all at once.

Spread a thin layer of oil (not included) on the inside of the mug, pour in the batter, and microwave in a 500W microwave oven for about 1 minute. If it is not cooked enough, add 10 seconds at a time, keeping an eye on it. If it cooks well, it's done!

Microwave Mug Cake

Microwave Mug Cake

How does it taste?

Soft and fluffy! It is so elastic that a spoon sinks into it. When you take a bite of it, you will find it to be plump and chewy.

Microwave Mug Cake
soft and fluffy

Microwave Mug Cake

The soft and gentle egg flavor and sweetness is simple and tastes like an old-fashioned snack. Delicious! It would be fun to add various toppings such as ice cream or whipped cream.

Microwave Mug Cake
Convenient to eat directly from a mug.

You can also add cocoa powder or jam to the dough to add flavor!

Microwave Mug Cake
Chocolate flavor with cocoa powder