"Sprinkle Chikiller" made with chicken ramen

I actually tried the arrangement recipe "Sprinkle Chikiller" posted on the NISSIN FOODS official website! It is a sprinkle made using "chicken ramen".

・ Chicken ramen ・ Chirimenjako ・ Black sesame ・ Shichimi Togarashi

Easy to make. Roughen the chicken ramen as much as you need, add chirimen-jako, black sesame seeds, and shichimi and garashi, and mix well to complete. Even if you change the amount of Shichimi Togarashi to your liking.

Chicken Ramen "Sprinkle Chikiller"
Mix the amount you like

Accented with the crunchy texture of chicken ramen. The flavor of chicken, the taste of chirimen-jako, the aroma of black sesame, and the spicy spiciness of shichimi and sardines combine to make the rice delicious! It seems to be good for utilizing the crushed chicken ramen that has remained in the bag for a while.

Chicken Ramen "Sprinkle Chikiller"
It tastes a little junk and is delicious!

Sprinkle "Sprinkle Chikiller" using chicken ramen that can be made just by mixing. Please give it a try.