Pancake with Mochi
Recipe for pancakes with rice cake, made by adding rice cake.
Material ( for one person )
rice cakes cut into rectangles (usu. eaten on New Year's Da) two (objects)
(cow's) milk 150ml (5.07us fl oz)
pancake mix 150g (5.29oz)
egg one (object)
Butter or maple syrup to taste proper quantity
Pancakes with Mochi" baked with mochi (rice cakes) in them

Chunky, glutinous, new texture! Here is a recipe for "Pancakes with Mochi" that you can try easily.

Pancakes with Mochi Recipe


- 2 cut rice cakes
- 150ml (5.07us fl oz) milk
- 150g (5.29oz) pancake mix
- 1 egg
- Butter or maple syrup to taste


1. Cut rice cakes into 1cm cubes and place in a heatproof container

Making "Pancakes with Mochi
It takes a little bit of strength, but you can cut it with a knife.

2. Add milk and heat in a microwave oven without covering with plastic wrap. The recommended heating time is about 6 minutes at 500W. The rice cake will expand as it heats up, so it is important to keep an eye on it to make sure it does not spill over.

Making "Pancakes with Mochi
Be careful not to spill

3. Add the eggs to the heated mixture and stir well.

Making "Pancakes with Mochi
Add an egg.

4. Add the pancake mix and mix well. If you like it softer, add a little milk and adjust the consistency.

Making "Pancakes with Mochi
Good luck mixing it up!

5. Cook over low heat as you would for regular pancakes. The secret is to cook them slowly and carefully because they are thick and difficult to cook.

Making "Pancakes with Mochi
Slowly over low heat.

6. Once browned, place on a plate and drizzle with butter or maple syrup.

Making "Pancakes with Mochi

Pancakes with the added elasticity of mochi (rice cakes) have a new


, with a soft and chewy texture. The pancakes have a pleasant chewy texture, making them hearty and satisfying even if you only eat one pancake. Fluffy pancakes are good, but this sticky texture is addictive!

Making "Pancakes with Mochi
Great, glutinous!

Pancakes with Mochi (rice cakes)" can be enjoyed just by adding mochi to the pancakes. You can also enjoy it with eggs and bacon to make a meal-like menu. Give it a try!