Ivy Fox Foods "Frozen Pondequejo"

Recommended for snacks when you are hungry and with alcohol! Introducing the bite-sized frozen bread "Pondequejo" that you can eat quickly. There is no doubt that once you eat it, you will be addicted to its texture.

Ivy Fox Foods "Frozen Pondequejo"

Pondequejo is a typical Brazilian cheese bun. The dough is baked with plenty of eggs and natural cheese added to tapioca starch.

This frozen pondequejo sold by Ivy Fox Foods is 542 yen for 10 pieces (this purchase price, tax not included).

Ivy Fox Foods "Frozen Pondequejo"

◆ After thawing naturally, go to the toaster

Since it is frozen, first thaw it naturally and then lightly warm it in an oven, microwave oven, or toaster. This time, I used a toaster to heat it for about 3 minutes.

Ivy Fox Foods "Frozen Pondequejo"

◆ The texture is mochi!

When I try to eat it, the outside is crispy and the inside is mochi mochi! Every time you chew, the chewy and elastic texture of the cheese makes the savory cheese taste and salty. Tapioca powder is amazing!

Ivy Fox Foods "Frozen Pondequejo"
I'm addicted to the messy texture

It has a strong taste, so it is perfect as a companion to wine and other alcoholic beverages. It's delicious enough to eat on its own, but you can also apply butter or honey, or sandwich cheese or prosciutto. Although it is small, it has a strong texture and a high degree of satisfaction, so if you sandwich the ingredients, it will be even more voluminous.

Ivy Fox Foods "Frozen Pondequejo"
Even if you sandwich it with ham or lettuce

For breakfast, snacks, and sake snacks. The expiration date is long, so if you keep it in the freezer, it will be useful for filling your family's stomach!

Ivy Fox Foods "Frozen Pondequejo"